Virtual Products | Explained

Virtual Products | Explained

What is a Virtual Product?

A 'Virtual Product' is a Product that is created from a Fulfiller approved Blank Product on the Kornit X Platform. Thus, it directly inherits all Fulfiller and production related properties (such as the Preview and Print Specification) which are defined and approved for the purposes of fulfilment.

A Virtual Product can feature any combination of fixed artwork designs and/or user functionality such as photo upload and text input. Typical examples are:
  1. you have a library of existing artwork files and want to create a range of simple Print on Demand (POD) products only
  2. you want to create a range of personalised products with complimentary text options

Critical: The Fulfiller / owner of the Blank Product retains exclusive access to the core preview and print specification of the product - the system is designed this way to retain the integrity of approved Blanks, ensuring fulfilment ready status. 

A key benefit of how Virtual Products work is that any update made to the original Blank Product by the fulfiller / owner (e.g. a Print Specification change) automatically gets applied to all associated Virtual Products that have been created from it.

Use Cases

Typically, the primary use case for Virtual Products is for Retailers or Brands to add artwork to fulfiller approved Blank Products. These Virtual products are then sold online, and orders are automatically routed through to the original Blank fulfiller to fulfil.

What do I need to create them?

  • A Blank Product on Platform (from an existing fulfiller or your own blanks if self fulfilling)
  • Artwork / designs to use (unless creating your own)

What Creation Processes are available?

There are multiple processes available to create Virtual Products to suit different scenario's and requirements. The manual option offers access to Advanced Features and provides greater control over formatting, whereas the interactive tools and purpose built routines help to automate the creation of simpler Virtual Products. 

For a closer look at each of these Creation Processes, including access step by step guides, take a look at our overview article:

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