Understanding Products
Aspects | Swatch Colour
Introduction Aspects set against a product can have a Swatch Colour enabled with a toggle that can then have a hex colour code added to. This is an ideal solution for Garment type products that using a specific app can display the exact colour of the ...
Product Types Explained
What Are The Product Type Options? There are multiple product types that your products can be set as, the below table lists the options, the explanation for each type and the numerical value which can be used to update product types has been listed ...
Live Preview Products | Troubleshooting Common Problems
Overview This article is designed to help troubleshoot some common problems related to product setup and configuration Errors My Smartlink is endlessly loading If you are using a distributed Smartlink, any product changes can take up to 4 hours to ...
Catalog | Product Manager - Advanced Settings Search
What Is the Advanced Search? The Advanced Search is a feature found within "Product Manager" to be able to search through your catalog of products. From the basic list you can search via the ID, Name, SKU, Category and Fulfiller but there are a lot ...
Virtual Products | Handy tips for personalised text
Virtual Products | Anatomy diagram for Interactive setup
Virtual Products | Anatomy Diagram For Artwork Only (POD) Setup
Virtual Products | Anatomy Diagram For Manual Setup
Blank Products | Anatomy Diagram
Masks | Understanding the Different Types of Masks for a 2D Product
There are several types of masks that can be applied to a 2D Product within the platforms product configuration settings. Masks serve to either: control the product personalisation visually, affect the output that the system generates, or BOTH. All ...
Fonts | Font Troubleshooting and Compatibility for Text Areas
1) Can the spacing be changed / influenced? Currently there is no system based tools to influence any spacing within the font type, beyond automated justification spacing to fit a specified width. This includes tracking, kerning and leading of any ...
Production | What is RIP Software?
What is a RIP? RIP stands for Raster Image Processor. A RIP program is similar to the print driver included with your printer, but with much more control (and features). A RIP is designed to handle many files, file types, and file sizes without ...
Fonts | What Fonts Are Available?
A list of publicly available Google fonts for use with 2d and 3d Products can be found the Text Area > Formatting rollout within the product edit interface. The system currently houses 363 Google Fonts for Public use. *There is currently a known ...
Blank Products | Using Fulfiller Blanks With Product Manager
Overview The Catalog section of the Kornit X platform houses thousands of Fulfillers approved products that have been configured to meet their exact print specification. This opens doors of opportunity, as it means that these products can be added to ...
Product Optimisation | Load Speeds & Performance
Why do I need to optimise my products? LOAD TIMES AND PERFORMANCE CAN AFFECT CONVERSION RATES! Fast loading / responsive products will offer a better user experience over slow loading / unresponsive products. Therefore, product optimisation should ...
Virtual Products | Explained
What is a Virtual Product? A 'Virtual Product' is a Product that is created from a Fulfiller approved Blank Product on the Kornit X Platform. Thus, it directly inherits all Fulfiller and production related properties (such as the Preview and Print ...
Types | Product Classifications Explained
Overview Types is a Platform based Product classification system. Product Types are important as they determine how the products can be used, and significantly improve platform search-ability for all users. The types are split into 3 distinct ...
Aspects - Best Practise Tips
3.0 Overview The principle purpose of an Aspect is to provide a preview image of the product on-screen that the user will interact with. The secondary purpose of an Aspect is to set the size of the 2d canvas upon which a numerical relationship ...