Option Name | Setting Option | Description |
Draw Surface Area Border | Toggle | By default, a blue dotted line visually represents the Print Areas on the product. This can be toggled to turn them off/ on depending upon preference, gives a clean app appearance. This is most commonly best used on photo upload product to highlight where the decoration area is. Generally not needed for virtual products as they already feature a design" |
Option Name | Setting Option | Description | |
Enable Simply Quantity | Toggle | Enables a quantity field with '+ ' and '-' buttons to easily increase the quantity to order | |
Grouped Quantity | Toggle | Is a feature that works specifically with Magento 1 and allows all simple products on a grouped product to show and have its own quantity | |
Products Tab | Toggle | Adds an additional menu for a Product Selector to be used in the App. Please note that this only works if the Smartlink contains the necessary pc=xxxxx parameter to reference a product category | |
Colours Tab | Toggle | Enabling this field will ensure that colours can be changed if set on the products. | |
Textual Product List | Toggle | Enabled by default, this requires the use of a Product Selector, this will change the Product display from thumbnail preview to a named list. | |
Remove Background Tool | Toggle | Toggles visibility of the remove background tool. | |
Auto Select Next Image Area | Toggle | Ensures that with multi sided products the app will move onto the next image area in the sequence once an image has been added. | |
Drag and Drop | Toggle | Allows touch and click controls directly on the product preview, i.e. dragging and resizing images. | |
Display Screen | Toggle | With this toggle enabled the display screen will display the product befre adding t cart. | |
Autoload First Gallery Image | Toggle | If a product uses a Gallery, this toggle ensures the first gallery image is loaded by default on the product when the iframe loads. Alternatively, placeholders can be set on Image Areas instead. | |
Product Information Tab | Toggle | This pop up will show the customer product info such as the name, SKU and description which will open up into a pop up. | |
Save Sample | Toggle | ||
Include Copyright Warning | Toggle | Displays pop up message when using clicks Add to Cart. Forces them to approve their design and confirm they hold copyright of any images by agreeing to statement and clicking Approve. | |
Enable Image Upload | Toggle | Enabled by default this allow for images to be uploaded against the product as long as image areas exist on the products. | |
Enable Facebook | Toggle | Enabled by default, allows the option to upload images from your Facebook account. | |
Enable Instagram | Toggle | Enabled by default, allows the option to upload images from your Instagram account. | |
Native App Framework Upload (Normal) | Toggle | Is used only when using this app layout through our native app framework for uploading images from the device | |
Native App Framework Upload (Stripped) | Toggle | Is used only when using this app layout through our native app framework for uploading images from the device - this methods auto strips the background from images | |
Link Galleries By Name To Image Areas | Toggle | This links any galleries specified in the Smartlink to the Image Area on the product with the same name. | |
Image Populated Validation | Toggle | Cannot 'Add to Cart' unless an Image has been uploaded to all areas. | |
Image Fill Validation Enabled | Toggle | Cannot 'Add to Cart' unless an Image has been uploaded that covers the entire Print Area on the product. | |
Image Tab Enabled | Toggle | Enabled by default. this will ensure the images tab appears | |
Effects Tab Enabled | Toggle | This will ensure the effects tab will appear within the app. | |
Attributes Tab Enabled | Toggle | Enabled by default, this will ensure the attributes tab appears. | |
Print Sizes Tab Enabled | Toggle | This ill ensure the print sizes tab will appear within the app. | |
3D Preview Enabled | Toggle | Adds the '3D Preview' button to the Smartlink to allow a 2D to 3D user journey. This will only work if the product has connected 2d and 3d products within Product Manager. | |
Product Category Tree Enabled | Toggle | Relating to product selectors this can be used to show the category tree of the products shown in the app. | |
Dynamic Pricing | Toggle | If a product has additive pricing this should be enabled allowing a single product with 'options' and price that changes based on product options selected. | |
Show Dynamic Pricing Summary | Toggle | Toggle to display Dynamic Pricing Summary based on user selected options. This requires an EPA parameter as well as appropriate Pricing Data against the Product/s. | |
Hide Price | Toggle | This will hide the price from the app. | |
Display Text Areas As List | Toggle | The toggle here will display text areas as names in a list instead of the standard view. | |
Order Image Areas By Name | Toggle | Enabled by default, this will sort the image areas by the name so with 2 areas called front and back the back would appear first. | |
Use Save State Where Possible | Toggle | Forces the use of product state (modern print job creation method) in the app. | |
Insert New Area On Image Upload | Toggle | This toggle will enable the use of multiple image upload areas within one image area. | |
Drag and Drop Mode | Dropdown | This dropdown can be set if using the drag and drop features mentioned above. The options to choose from are to Copy, Move or Swap. | |
Print Job Thumbnail Type | Dropdown | From this dropdown you can specify the type of print job that will be generated by the system - this can either be left at PNG by default or updated to generate as JPG. | |
Open Tab After Product Loaded | Dropdown | This dropdown allows you to ensure the next tab that loads into the app will either by image or text. | |
External CSS | Input Field | Here you can add external CSS to change the appearance of the smartlink. | |
Print Job Number Of Thumbnails | Input Field | With this input field users can specify the number of thumbnails that can be produced with every artwork generation from this app. This is set to "-1" by default to not produce these thumbnails but users of multi aspect product can update this to produce a thumbnail for each page. | |
Print Job Thumbnail SIze | Input Field | The thumbnail size will be set to 500 pixels by default but users can update this to produce bigger or smaller thumbnails for each generated print job. | |
Bad Word Set | Input Field | Set up a blacklist of certain words that cannot be typed by a user. List the ref associated with the bad word list created within Catalog. | |
Google Analytics Code | Input Field | Enter your Google Analytics ID here, Starting with UA. | |
Mouseflow Website ID | Input Field | Mouseflow is a third party that tracks user activity within your app. Simply add the Mouseflow website ID they will have created for you and this will track activity. |