Smartlink Apps | ACP3_2

Smartlink Apps | ACP3_2


The following article has been written to detail how our standard ACP 3_2 app can be set up and used for. We have also detailed all of the available features associated with ACP 3_2 features, styling, renderer option and miscellaneous options.  ACP 3_2 is one of our most feature rich personalisation apps offering a flexible design that can be easily changed using custom CSS.  The app is ideal for blanks, Predesigns, print on demand and saved sample product types.
Key features of this smartlink app include CSS support, 100s of configurable options, 2D to 3D preview, 17 tabs and right or left orientation. 
The app is intended for use on desktop and larger screen sizes and may not display desirably on smaller screens. 

Setting Up An ACP3_2 App

To set up a new ACP3_2 app users need to head into the Settings menu and select the "Smartlink Apps" option highlighted below. 

Once in the "Smartlink Apps" menu simply search for "acp3_2" or select it from the available default options. 

Here you can set up new "Configurations", "Language Packs" and "Details" from within the sub menus.

We have broken down each section of the submenus in the remainder of this article. 

How to Set A Configuration 

The following tables added below outline the available configuration options that can be used to tailor the App to meet specific requirements. To access every menu simply click the arrow pointing down and the menu will expand for you to customise. 

Within the setup of configuration there are multiple menus detailed below for General setup, Features, Styling, Product Info, Renderer Options and a Miscellanious menu
Once created users will be left with a unique 15 digit config code that can then be used to add config to the smartlink.

General Menu

The general menu will allow you to set the name of your config as well as the ability to enable multiple different locale options. This menu has been shown below. 

Locale options link into Language packs which has been detailed further down in this article. Essentially these act as app translation locales that can be listed into this menu for language or terminology translations to key elements of the app such as "Add to cart", "add text" or "add Image". 

Features Menu

The following table details every single option that can be enabled within the Features menu located on your set configuration.
Option Name
Setting Option
Disable User Interface
Removes all tools, buttons and input boxes leaving just the preview.
Enable Add To Cart
Toggle the 'Add to Cart' button on / off
Enable Sample Save
Allows the customised product to be saved as a Sample.
Enable Email Share
With this toggle enabled customers can save their designs and share them with an email that they can enter which will share any unfinished designs with them. 
Enable Enquiry
With this toggle enabled customers can enquire about the item shown within the app by entering a message that will be shared with yourself. 
Enable Products
Adds an additional menu for a Product Selector to be used in the App. Please note that this only works if the Smartlink contains the necessary pc=xxxxx parameter to reference a product category
Enable Sample Quantity
Enables a quantity field with '+ ' and '-' buttons to easily increase the quantity to order
Enable Grouped Quantity
Is a feature that works specifically with Magento 1 and allows all simple products on a grouped product to show and have its own quantity
Enable Variant Quantity
Enables a quantity picker for all variants against the products allowing different ones to be added to be cart at the same time
Enable Quantity Popup
Enables a popup on "add to cart" which asks customer to confirm quantity
Enable POS Details Pop Up
Enables a pop up form to capture customer address details, can bypass a payment gateway or be connected to stripe. This is used for point of sale smartlinks like Instore Kiosks.
Enable Drag and Drop (HTML5 Only)
Allows touch and click controls directly on the product preview, i.e. dragging and resizing images.
Enable Gallery List View
Changes the gallery preview behaviour, from being image thumbnails to a list view of image names. 
Create Print Job When Saving a Sample
This toggle should be enabled to ensure that a print job is saved for any of the samples that a customer is ordering through a sample of their product. 
Autoload First Gallery Image
If a product uses a Gallery, this toggle ensures the first gallery image is loaded by default on the product when the iframe loads. Alternatively, placeholders can be set on Image Areas instead. 
Show Colour Areas As Tabs
If a product has multiple 'colour areas' - this changes the default dropdown display so that each specified area has its own menu in app.
Persist State Between Products
Changing between products in the Smartlink will retain your personalisation - this requires use of a Product Selector. 
Link Galleries By Name To Image Areas
This links any galleries specified in the Smartlink to the Image Area on the product with the same name.
HTML5 Safe Product Search
With this toggle turned on HTML5 product search will be enabled and this will stop from any unsafe words from being entered into the customisation. 
Image Fill Validation Enabled
Cannot 'Add to Cart' unless an Image has been uploaded that covers the entire Print Area on the product.
Image Populated Validation Enabled
Cannot 'Add to Cart' unless an Image has been uploaded to all areas.
Product Search
Allows a search of product names when the products tab is enabled
Product Info Pop Up
This pop up will show the customer product info such as the name, SKU and description which will open up into a pop up. 
Textual Product List
Requiring the use of a Product Selector, this will change the Product display from thumbnail preview to a named list.
Image Area Effects
This will allow effects such as full colour, monochrome etc to be displayed on images. 
Text Area Effects
This will allow effects as full colour, monochrome etc to be displayed on text entered into the app. 
Dynamic Pricing
If a product has additive pricing this should be enabled allowing a single product with 'options' and price that changes based on product options selected.
Image Colour Detection
Detects CMYK colours in an uploaded images. Used in conjunction with User Image API v3 Upload Processor Pantone. 
Image Resize Warning
If enabled will trigger a warning if images are uploaded at smaller than the minimum recomended pixel sizes set on the product in the platform.
Image Remove Green Screen 
Deprecated.  Enabled old automatic green screen removal based on a specific hex code. Replaced by 
Image Upload Auto Downscale
Automatically downscales images uploaded by the user in the Preview to reduce bandwidth.  Original image still used in print output generation.
Include Copyright Warning
Displays pop up message when using clicks Add to Cart.  Forces them to approve their design and confirm they hold copyright of any images by agreeing to statement and clicking Approve.
Enable Remove Background
Toggles visibility of the remove background tool.
Enable Pixlr
Enable this option to allow customers to upload images from their Pixlr account. 
Enable HTML Overlay Controls
Shows resize and rotate buttons around the user image or image area depending on the 'Image Overlay Fit Mode To Image To Area' setting.
Use Save State Where Possible
Forces the use of product state (modern print job creation method) in the app.
Auto Save
Regularly save the users progress inside the app in their session allowing the window to be closed and opened again and remember any personalisation or edits made.
Colour Area Colour Spectrum
If enabled, adds an interactive colour picker tool to the Colour Area menu in place of the standard swatch This will only display if the product has an appropriate colour area with at least two colour options.
Text Area Colour Spectrum
If enabled, adds an interactive colour picker tool to the Text Area menu in place of the standard text colour swatch
3D Preview
Adds the '3D Preview' button to the Smartlink to allow a 2D to 3D user journey. This will only work if the product has connected 2d and 3d products within Product Manager. 
Image Upload
Enables the option to upload a image to product. Requires a image area to be set up on a product. 
Google Plus Upload
Enables the option to upload images from your Google Plus account. 
Flickr Upload
Enables the option to upload images from your Flickr account.
Instagram Upload
Enables the option to upload images from your Instagram account.
Dropbox Upload
Enables the option to upload images from your Dropbox account.
Google Drive Upload
Enables the option to upload images from your Google Drive account.
One Drive
Enables the option to upload images from your One Drive account
Enables the option to upload images from your Facebook account.
QR Code
Enables the option to upload images from your other devices by scanning a QR code.
Enables the option to upload images from your Fotolia account. 
Enables the option to upload images from your Pixelbay account.
Enables the option to upload images from your Dreamstime account
Native App Framework Upload (Normal)
Is used only when using this app layout through our native app framework for uploading images from the device
Native App Framework Upload (Stripped)
Is used only when using this app layout through our native app framework for uploading images from the device - this methods auto strips the background from images
Only Show Area For Selected View
When enabled, only the image areas and text areas that are associated with the current aspect are available to the user.
Implicit User Image Gallery (requires User Image API v3)
Creates a dynamic image gallery in the app from the images the user has selected. 
Persist Implicit User Image Gallery
Implicit user image gallery will be retained if user switches product.
Automatic Social Logout
This toggle enabled will ensure that once images have been taken from Facebook, Flickr, Instagram etc will automatically sign users out of these accounts once images have been uploaded. 
Eager Aspect Loading 
Loads all Aspect preview images on product load (eg: if product has Front/Rear then rear images would load as well as Front even though by default only Front would display). 
Mobile Responsive
Deprecated - V3 apps now responsive by default so this toggle is not needed.
Text Alignment
Toggles text alignment options within the Smartlink, offering, Left, Center and Right aligned options for Text Areas. Generally only requested for products with a lot of text based functionality, eg Greetings Cards, Posters, Business Cards. 
Load At First Text Area
With this toggle turned on the app will automatically load into the first text area that is customisable within your app, this can be ignored if there is no option to personalise text areas. 
Fill Patterns
This toggle enabled will allow customers to use fill patterns on a products image area. 
User Image API V3 Upload Processor
Input Field
From this dropdown you can select from the different types of image processors they wish to set with their products. The options include "Standard", "Embroidery" and "Pantone". 
Collage Mode
Input Field
Changes the behaviour of the Collages feature to use the print area (and arrange selected images dynamically) or apply to image areas defined on the product.
Image Overlay Fit Mode
Input Field
Used in conjunction with 'Enable HTML Overlay Controls'.  Allows you to choose whether the overlay controls fit around the Area or around the Image.
Auto Downscale Width
Input Field
A width can be set here for the image to downscale to, please note this will not affect any artwork print quality.
Auto Downscale Height
Input Field
A height can be set here for the image to downscale to, please note this will not affect any artwork print quality.
Auto Downscale Format
Input Field
A format can be set here for the image to format to, please note this will not affect any artwork print quality.
Auto Downscale Quality
Input Field
A quality can be set for the image to download in, please note this will not affect any artwork print quality. 
Live Chat URL
Input Field
Here a link to your own live chat can be entered to allow users to get support when using your app. 
Direct Smile Preview URL
Input Field
This field should be used if the customer is using direct smile, allowing for the preview URL to work with Direct Smile
Plain/Branded Attribute Name
Input Field
This field will allow users to specify attributes separate from a products setup to display within the app. 
Bad Word Set
Input Field
Set up a blacklist of certain words that cannot be typed by a user. List the ref associated with the bad word list created within Catalog. 
Default Selected Country In POS
Input Field
Enter the default country to be displayed when the POS pop up form loads. 
Google Analytics Code
Input Field
Enter your Google Analytics ID here, Starting with UA. 
Mouseflow Website ID
Input Field
Mouseflow is a third party that tracks user activity within your app. Simply add the Mouseflow website ID they will have created for you and this will track activity. 
Below gives you a look at how this menu will appear for users. 

Simply scroll through the features menu and once happy with your changes select "Save" and move onto the next menu in the sequence.  

Styling Menu

Styling refers to the appearance of the app and how to create external CSS that can be used against your app.
Option Name
Setting Option
External CSS
Input Field
Here you can add external CSS to change the appearance of the smartlink.
The styling menu will appear for users like the below. 

An example of the kind of CSS you can set using the cards app can be seen below. Here we have changed the background of the app to black, with borders around the tabs and a black and white add to cart button. 

CSS is optional but recommended as it allows for your own company branding to match with the selected app. 
Once styling has been added users can move onto the next menu within the sequence. 

Product Info Menu

Product Info allow for optional settings appearing within the app such as names, descriptions and pricing. The table below shows all of the available options that can be enabled.       
Option Name
Setting Option
Show Product Price
Toggle to make 'Product Price' visible. This will require appropriate Pricing Data against the Product.
Show Product Name
Toggle to make 'Product Name' visible, this requires an EPA parameter to work. 
Show Product Description
Toggle to make 'Product Description' visible, this requires an EPA parameter to work. 
Show Dynamic Pricing Summary
Toggle to display Dynamic Pricing Summary based on user selected options. This requires an EPA parameter as well as appropriate Pricing Data against the Product/s. 
Show Setup and Total Price
Toggle to show Setup and Total Price, this requires appropriate Pricing Data against the Product/s.
Help Text
Input Field
Used if additional information or guidance is required during the app order journey. Please note that the help text is displayed on all stages of the app. 
The product info menu will appear for users like the below.

Simply scroll through the Product Info menu and once happy with your changes select "Save" and move onto the next menu in the sequence.  

Renderer Options Menu

Renderer Options refers to how the app will first render and second the options that can be set for print job generation when an order is received from a customer. 
Option Name
Setting Option
Draw Surface Area Border
By default, a blue dotted line visually represents the Print Areas on the product. This can be toggled to turn them off/ on depending upon preference, gives a clean app appearance. This is most commonly best used on photo upload product to highlight where the decoration area is. Generally not needed for virtual products as they already feature a design"
The renderer options menu will appear for users like the below. 

Simply scroll through the Renderer Options menu and once happy with your changes select "Save" and move onto the next menu in the sequence.  

Miscellaneous Options Menu

Miscellaneous options refer to options that do not really relate to the other menus including the displayed order of the app tabs. 
Option Name
Setting Option
Stock Availability Check
When enabled, the app will check the product stock in Production > Inventory and will not allow out of stock products to be added to cart.
POS Validation
Enable to make POS Pop up form fields mandatory, this is used to collect customer data. 
Tab Order
Change the order or appearance for selected menus within the App based on numerical order,
eg. 1 = Appears first / topmost.
Specific menus can also be disabled to remove them from the app entirely.
Print Job Thumbnail Type
From this dropdown you can specify the type of print job that will be generated by the system - this can either be left at PNG by default or updated to generate as JPG.
You can choose between some preset style options:
- Standard: Functionality menus appear on the right side of the screen
- Minimal: 
- Left: Moves the functionality menus over to the left side of the screen."
Allowed Image Upload File Extensions
Input Field
Specify which image file extensions are to be accepted when uploaded within the Smartlink. Any uploaded images that do not match the specified file extensions will fail to upload. Please note that multiple extensions can be specified if comma separated.
Print Job Number Of Thumbnails
Input Field
With this input field users can specify the number of thumbnails that can be produced with every artwork generation from this app. This is set to "-1" by default to not produce these thumbnails but users of multi aspect product can update this to produce a thumbnail for each page. 
Print Job Thumbnail Size
Input Field
The thumbnail size will be set to 500 pixels by default but users can update this to produce bigger or smaller thumbnails for each generated print job. 
Add To Cart Items
Input Field
Plain text field. Enter the text here you want to display as the message for the add to cart terms.
POS Shipping Country
Input Field
Enter the default country to be displayed when the POS pop up form loads. 
The Miscellaneous menu will appear for users like this below example, as detailed the matrix can be seen here to control the tab order of your app. 

Miscellaneous is the last menu within the configuration, users will than have a unique 15 digit code that they can use when using smartlink builder or default apps. 

Language Packs

As mentioned before on this article language packs can be set to define the shown text for menu options such as "Add To Cart" which users may want to change to either "Add To Bag" or spelling add to cart in French which would be "Ajouter au panier".  To set a new language pack simply click the "+ Create Locale" button shown below. 

Once clicked users can select the language type from the dropdown which is set to English by default, as well as options to set a unique identifier as well as a name. 

With these basic details now set users can expand the menu with the arrow which will show the Translations options which must be entered into the "To" column. These can be changed at a later date by simply amending the app. 

Once the "To" translations have been set simply save the Locale which can than be entered into the "Enabled Locales" menu within the config which will ensure this locale is used for the app. 

Example Of The App

We have created an example of the app for customers to use, this is using a test product with config options shown below. 

Users can access this ACP 3_2 App link here - Click Here

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