The following article has been written to breakdown the differences between the different user types and user creation within the Kornit X Platform.
Closely linked to Users is User Roles which determines which areas of the Platform users have access to. That has been documented in this comprehensive article here -
What Are The Differences Between User Types?
The following will detail the different user types that can be created within the Kornit X Platform, they all have different meanings and should be used for their specific roles.
- Physical - The most common user type within the platform, these are physical people or companies user accounts which allow access to the entire or parts of the Platform dependent on their account access.
- OAuth - This type refers to Open Authorisation which are user accounts that allow third-party services to access the platform to exchange information.
- SSO - This type refers to Single Sign-On which allows for users accounts to securely authenticate with the platform.
Users choose between the different user role types to create the User of their choice.
Where Do I Set Users?
Users are set within the Settings rollout menu of the Kornit X Platform, the option has been shown in the below screenshot.
Once loaded you will be greeted with the following Screen which details all of the Users available under your Company. The screen allows for a dropdown to filter by primary user, Search box and export options.
There is a slider to change between the Physical, OAuth and SSO users which will filter the users by the type and allow for the creation of users detailed in the next section of this article.
How Do I Create Physical Users?
To begin creating a Physcial user the following steps must be followed.
- Click into the Physical library of Users.
- Press the "+ Create User" button highlighted below.
- The screen will then upon up the Basic Details sub meu which can then have the following information added to - Email, Username, Primary Company, Forename and Surname.
- Once this data has been filled in there are 2 sliders that can be enabled, one will Inherit any dropships connected to the Primary Company and the other will inherit details from the Admin company connected to the Primary.
You will see an alert when creating a new user which confirms that once you hit Save Changes the user will be sent an activation emailing allowing them to set their own password.
Once Basic Details has been set you will have access to further sub menus - these are System Permissions, Product Categories and Companies.
System Permissions allow Users to have specific access to parts of the Platform. To do so you simply press the Role dropdown and select from the list of Roles you wish to give the user. Additionally there may be area you wish to give implicit access to and to do so simply tick or untick the option as shown below. This means you can remove access to any areas you feel the User does not need access to.
Product Categories allow you to go into your user and give them access to categories. Simply click the tickbox for whatever category you wish to give access. By clicking the arrows you can expand the view and give the user access to products contained within the Categories.
Companies allow you to specify the specific companies you wish to give this user access to. To do so you can use the search field to find the companies. Once found you simply need to enable the slider which will give the user access to the company.
How Do I Create OAuth Users?
To begin to create OAuth users the following steps must be followed.
- Click into the OAuth library of Users.
- Press the "+ Create OAuth User" button highlighted below.
- An option for user role type will appear - you must select from "Trade Portal", "Virtual Product Creator", "Product Feed", "Reporting" or "Custom".
- Once an option is selected you need to add the Basic Details, System Permissions, Product Categories and Companies in the same way as you would with Physical Users.
They key difference with the AUoth users compared to physical is the fact a Client ID and Client Secret will be generated for you,
How Do I Create SSO Users?
SSO users are externally created and managed, these are users that have access to the system through a connected sinlge sign on system with external authentication.
Please note that you cannot create SSO users from inside the platform.
Security Offered With Users
When setting up a user you will notice you cannot set a password, and the reason for this is the system will email the users email which you added to the user and an email will be forwarded where the user can securely access the system and set their own password. The system gives you an alert above the email which reads as follows - "It looks like you are creating a new user. Once you click Save Changes, the user will be sent an activation email allowing them to set their own password."