Sales Channel Integration | Amazon SP API

Sales Channel Integration | Amazon SP API


This article has been created to show how to setup Sales Channel integration that Kornit X has built to connect to Amazon Selling Partners Programmatic, otherwise known as Amazon SP API. 
To setup an account with Amazon, please go to the following link where a sellers account can be created - Link
For more information on what this integration can do please refer to the following article written by Amazon - Link

Setup With Kornit X Platform

In order to setup the Amazon SP API integration, please head to your dropship company and within those advanced settings head to "Sales Channel Integrations" and click to enable the Amazon SP API option as shown below. 

Please note that there are 2 different amazon integrations available but this article is inclusively for Amazon SP API. For details on the normal Amazon integration please head to the following article - Link
When setting up this integration you will need to set your "LWA Client ID", "LWA Client Secret", "LWA Refresh Token", "LWA Auth URL", "AWS Access key ID", "AWS Secret Access Key" and the "AWS Role ARN". All of these details will be provided to you from your AWS account before you setup the integration with us and we have broken down how to generate this further down the article. 

On top of this there is a field further down that can be set for the "Seller/Merchant ID" which we have shown below.

To find the Seller/Merchant ID within your Amazon account please follow these steps. 
  1. Login to your Amazon Seller Central account
  2. Go to "Settings" > "User Permissions" > "Manage Your Apps" > "Authorize a Developer" and when accessing this page simply enter your developer name and ID. 
  3. A tick-box will appear and upon accepting the terms your Seller ID and MWS authorization token will be displayed.
Once followed copy the ID and add it to the "Seller/Merchant ID" field in the Kornit X platform and this will connect to your account, 

AWS Credentials

The following breaks down how to generate the AWS fields of the setup and to begin you must request the AWS credentials from the client, once you receive these credentials, proceed to the Seller Central account to generate the LWA credentials. 
  1. To begin login to your Amazon Seller Central account as shown below. 
  1. Use the “burger” menu in the top left corner to find Partner Network > Develop Apps
  1. You will need to add a new app client by selecting the button:
  1. On the app registration page, provide an app name:
  1. Select API type: SP API
  1. Populate the IAM Role with the details you received from the customer, it should look like this, where X - 12 digits
  1. Select all the Roles, as below:
  1. Hit Save and Exit and the role should now be visible and shown in a Draft status.
Now you can move over the generating the LWA credientials shown below. 

LWA Credentials

To get LWA Client ID and LWA Client Secret, select View option under LWA Credentials.

To get LWA Refresh Token, select Edit App arrow > Authorise.
This will take you to a new screen, again select Authorise and the token will be displayed.
Populate the fields in the integration settings and Save.

LWA Key Rotation

Regarding the LWA options this refers to "Login With Amazon" and when using these details you must run the process of periodically updating your LWA Credentials every 180 days through what we call the "LWA Key Rotation". We and Amazon highly recommend regular and timely rotations of your LWA credentials in the event that your credentials are exposed or compromised at any point. 

In order to rotate your LWA Credentials the following steps need to be followed:
  1. Sign into AWS account and navigate to the Developer Console page that lists all your applications. 
  2. From the LWA credentials column, find the expiry alert for these details and select "View". 
  3. Choose "Rotate Secret", read the automatic warning and click "Rotate Secret" again and new details will be made 
  4. Finally in order to work with Kornit X copy the new credentials and update them within the Sales Channel Integration, without doing so would mean the integrations is no longer working after the 7 day period Amazon gives you to update any applications using old credentials. 
For information on LWA direct from Amazon please refer to the following Amazon articles here - Link 1 & Link 2

Workflow Features

With this integration their a multiple features that can be set, we have broken down what each one does for you below. 
  1. "Enabled" toggle - When this integration has been turned on this toggle will be set to on. To disable the integration simply slide this to off. 
  2. "Last Imported Datetime" textbox - This is the data time information that you want the integration to follow, this Amazon documentation is highly useful and explains all of the different types that can be used such as "DATE" or "TIME" and how to generate these can be found here - Link. For example, using the datetime DATE will display simple calendar dates such as "11:11:2022"and TIME displays the time of day using UTC time such as "10:43"
  3. "Use Last Imported Datetime" toggle - With this toggle enabled the integration will use the last imported datetime to pull in order information, so if TIME is being used, this toggle will ensure that this continues
  4. "Customisation Level" dropdown - From this dropdown you can select which type of Amazon customisation your products will use. The options include "Medium - Message and Cosmetics", "Minimum - Message Only" and "Maximum (In Development". The differences between these types include Minimum acting as a simple text box while Medium for example allows for text box as well as selectable options such as sizes and colours. 
By default the Customisation level is set to "Medium - Message and Cosmetics" as this is the most common option for product customisation. 
  1. "Email Errors To" textbox - This input field should have an email added as this will notify that email account whenever any errors can be found within this integration. Multiple emails can be added simply by comma separation. 
  2. "Seller/Merchant ID" textbox - As mentioned earlier in the article this is a unique string of letters that is found within the URL for products on the Amazon front end, this is vital as without this the integration will not fully connect to Amazon. 
  3. "Seller Central Domain" dropdown - Relating to the domain of which this integration is based. Regarding the Seller Central Domains, the following locations are available within the dropdown - Australia (AU), Brazil (BR), Canada (CA), Egypt (EG), France (FR), Germany (DE), India (IN), Italy (IT), Japan (JP), Mexico (MX), Saudi Arabia (SA), Singapore (SG), Spain (ES), Turkey (TR), United Arab Emirates (AE), United Kingdom (UK) and United States (US). This article will be updated whenever other domains are added to the dropdown. 
  4. "Sale Channel(s)" textbox - Regarding the available regions of which your Amazon store is available, the alpha-2 code should be used here and for multiple please comma separate them like the following example - "UK,DE,FR". For a full list of country codes please refer to the following - Link
  5. "SKU Concatenation Labels" textbox - Regarding the SKU Concatenation , all products you wish to list through Amazon must exist within the Kornit X Platform and in order to have them working on Amazon they must be concatenated. To do so a SKU map must be set linking the Amazon SKU to the Product Manager SKU. A video has been created to show how to create this and can be found here - Link
With all features explained when this integration has been enabled the integration will pull your orders into Order Manager as "Textual", meaning we save any personalisation added on Amazon and can be viewed within the order details and converted to Print jobs to create production ready artwork. 


How long does it take for Amazon "Pending Verification" take?
Typically, Amazon puts orders on pending for 30 minutes, if ever there are issues such as with the buyers payment method Amazon can take as long as 21 days to complete the verification process. There is no way to fulfil orders until the status changes from pending to unshipped.  

How does the Amazon order process work?
Below is an outline of the steps it takes during the order process.
  1. An order is placed by the customer and once received Amazon changes the order status to "Pending". 
  2. The Pending order is non-actionable in Manage Orders. Amazon holds an order for 30 minutes to give the customer time to cancel it.
  3. After this 30 minute wait Amazon verifies the order and the payment method.
  4. Once payment is verified, the pending status changes to Unshipped. If there’s an issue with payment verification, the status remains Pending.
  5. When the verification process is complete, the Pending status changes to Unshipped.
How do I generate AWS credentials?
To generate AWS credentials you can create an AWS free tier user through the following link - Link. To generate the AWS credentials of Access Key ID, Secret Access Key and Role ARN you must create an account, and create an IAM user which will create these details required. 
For more information including a broken down step by step, please refer to the following Amazon developer docs linked here,
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