Red Bubble is an eCommerce artist portal that hosts millions of artwork designs by independent artists from all around the world. The artwork is available for purchase, on demand, printed on anything from clothing & apparel to home decor & accessories.,Printed On Anything From Clothes & Apparel To Home Décor & Accessories.
The KornitX platform is provides a way of integrating with Red Bubble via API. The integration enables Red Bubble to send orders to the KornitX platform, to then be fulfilled by one of their fulfilment partners.
If you are a fulfilment partner of Red Bubble, you will have access to the Red Bubble Foundry, where you can configure the options required to achieve this.
Setting Up the Endpoint for Testing in the Red Bubble Foundry
- Log in to
- Go to Settings>Fulfiller Settings
- Under the API Credentials Tab:
- Set in the "Your servers URL" field
- Set the "Token we should send in the Authorization header" field to "Basic [SANDBOX_SALES_CHANNEL_COMPANY_REF_ID]:[SANDBOX_SALES_CHANNEL_API_KEY]" (without quotations). For example:
- Set the "Environment" field to Test
- Click the Submit button
In the API Versions tab, set the Test drop down to Latest
Setting Up the Endpoint for Live Orders in the Red Bubble Foundry
- Log in to
- Go to Settings>Fulfiller Settings
- Under the API Credentials Tab:
- Set in the "Your servers URL" field
- Set the "Token we should send in the Authorization header" field to "Basic [PRODUCTION_SALES_CHANNEL_COMPANY_REF_ID]:[PRODUCTION_SALES_CHANNEL_API_KEY]" (without quotations). For example:
- Set the "Environment" field to Test
- Click the Submit button
In the API Versions tab, set the Production drop down to Latest
When an order is pushed to the platform, we use the "product_info" section of the item data that Red Bubble send to us, to formulate a SKU and determine which product in the platforms' Catalog module has been ordered.
Within the product_info data there will always be a product field and where applicable, an array of properties. See example below.
- "product_info": { "product": "iphone-case", "properties": { "type": "soft", "model": "iphone_14_pro" }
The SKU of the product in the catalog module should be made up of product followed by the properties (in alphabetical order), separated by a hyphen. So the SKU that should be entered on the product in the Catalog module for the above example would be:
A legacy method of product identification from Red Bubble would be for them to include custom_fields in the order data. The custom_fields array would contain 2 fields, sku and textual_product_id. The value of these would be the SKU and product ID of the product in the Catalog module. However, Red Bubble have discontinued this product identification method.
Order Creation
The latest version of the Red Bubble API sends items contained with a shipment. Each order will contain 1 or more shipments and each shipment will contain 1 or more items. The integration will create an order in the platform per shipment and use the shipment ID provided by Red Bubble, as the external ref of the order.
Status Updates
Red Bubble require status updates to be sent back to them to indicate the stage an order is at in the order life cycle. To set this up, enable and configure the Red Bubble notification integration on your Red Bubble sales channel company.
Error Reporting
A new feature of the latest version of the Red Bubble API, is error reporting post order creation. This reduces the need to email Red Bubble about issues you may have with fulfilling an order that has been routed to you.
There are 3 status types you can use to report issues back to Red Bubble - info, delayed and error. If the status to be passed back is error, there are 4 types of error - address, shipping, product and artwork.
To report an order issue back to Red Bubble, specific attributes need to be added to the order.
You can add attributes to an order by clicking the blue Edit button in the top right of the order and selecting the Attributes tab. To add an attribute, click the Add Attribute button in the top right of the Attributes tab.
The value of the :RB Callback Items attribute should be the taken from the item external ref on the order. You can comma separate multiple items if required.
The value of the :RB Callback Message attribute should be an appropriate message for the order issue you are having.
Once attributes have been added to the order, set the order status to QC Query and the integration will send the update back to Red Bubble.
We will describe which attributes should be added for each status/error type, in following sections, and provide some example values.
Order Attributes
Attribute Name | Attribute Value (examples) |
:RB Callback Status | delayed |
:RB Callback Items | 71092674,71092675 |
:RB Callback Hours | 24 |
:RB Callback Message | Waiting on blanks |
Error (Address)
Order Attributes
Attribute Name | Attribute Value (examples) |
:RB Callback Status | error |
:RB Callback Items | 71092674,71092675 |
:RB Callback Type | address |
:RB Callback Message | |
Error (Incompatible Shipping Method)
Order Attributes
Attribute Name | Attribute Value (examples) |
:RB Callback Status | error |
:RB Callback Items | 71092674,71092675 |
:RB Callback Type | shipping |
:RB Callback Message | The desired carrier/service is not available on this package. |
:RB Callback Code
| incompatible_shipping_method
Error (Artwork)
Order Attributes
Attribute Name | Attribute Value (examples) |
:RB Callback Status | error |
:RB Callback Items | 71092674 |
:RB Callback Type | artwork |
:RB Callback Message | Artwork sized incorrectly for product |
Error (Product)
Order Attributes
Attribute Name | Attribute Value (examples) |
:RB Callback Status | error |
:RB Callback Items | 71092674 |
:RB Callback Type | product |
:RB Callback Message | Blank Colour (White on White)
Order Attributes
Attribute Name | Attribute Value (examples) |
:RB Callback Status | info |
:RB Callback Items | 71092674 |
:RB Callback Message | Confirmed with CS re image quality |