Point of sale (POS) receipt Product Bar-code

Point of sale (POS) receipt Product Bar-code

When using an In-store POS Link it is possible to add the products bar-code to the receipt, so that it can be used with your in-store EPOS system.

This option must be enabled on the Retailer company.

To do this on the company, select the Advanced tab,  open the section 'POS Receipt' and click on the tick-box next to 'Show Product Barcode'.

As standard the product is defaulted to Codabar bar-code type. However there are various bar-code types that can be used within the system and this can be changed in the drop-down 'Product Barcode Type'.

Once the Retailer company has been set up then the bar-codes need to be added to the products.

These bar-codes must be the same type as defined on the Retailer.

This can be done by adding the bar-code to the 'Barcode' box on the product under the 'E-commerce & Data' Tab.

Below we have set up a coda128 bar-code on the product.

Once this has been set up, any order placed on the POS link will show the product bar-code on the receipt.

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