Gateway3D's Hot Folder integration is a way of transferring artwork along with a production sheet of orders to a remote file system. Commonly used in high volume production environments or when syncing with a hot folder for RIP software.
Gateway Hot Folders are created on an external server - if your machine hot folder cannot connect via SFTP then you can use this file transfer utility to transfer to your local PC or network hot folder.
Categorisation Type
Specifies how order artwork files are organised on the remote file system.
This defaults to date which means each order is placed into a folder for the current day.
pc , standing for P roduct C ategory allows orders to be categorised by product category. For example, an order item which has a product belonging to a category called "Books" would have its artwork placed into a directory called "Books" on the remote file system.
When categorising by product category, it is also necessary to populate the Root Category ID field, which should contain the ID of a parent category containing the categories by which categorisation should take place.
btname can be used in conjunction with batching so that artwork will be placed into a folder directory that is named after the batch template that was used.
Specifies the type of remote file system. This can be either be sftp or s3, it is a mandatory field.
For SFTP file systems, it is necessary to also populate the SFTP Username , SFTP Host and SFTP Password fields.
Likewise, S3 file systems require S3 Bucket , S3 Key and S3 Secret to be populated. Please see this document for more information on S3.
Production Sheet Template
Specifies which type of production sheet is produced within the hot folder - you can have one sheet for each order or just a list of different types
Root Path
The optional root path field specifies the root directory which the Hot Folder integration will work from. For example, the root directory could be used to separate orders which are for the same supplier but which come from different websites and have different companies.
Batching Enabled
When batching is enabled, the integration will transfer the output from batches rather then the artwork output for individual items. If batching is enabled then the system will always wait for the batch to be created before transfering the order to the hot folder.
Hot folders are generated every hour. For more details on what is generated inside each hot folder then please take a look at our article on What is Created in a Hot Folder
If your machine / printer Hot Folder is not able to sync to an FTP location (Gateway OMS Default) then detailed below is a useful utility you can set up to do this task for you
We can either do this as a paid service or you can configure yourself
GoodSync also has the ability to use wildcards to search file names and only transfer those of a certain type - this is very useful if you wanted to auto separate multi part artwork into separate folders - or separate artwork for different products into different folders
It can also be used with Carrier Integrations to automate that process as well
File Juggler is another utility that can be used for these tasks