Settings | Creating Image Galleries

Settings | Creating Image Galleries


An Image gallery is a folder of image files stored on the Platform, that can be associated with one or multiple products. Galleries allow the end user to choose the design / image to customise the product based on the preset range of gallery imagery. This makes Image galleries a versatile and powerful option when creating products in Product Manager and they're really simple to create.


  1. 1. Go to
  2. 2. Login using the user account details that you have been provided with
  3. 3. Go to 'Settings' in the top-right hand corner and choose Galleries

  1. 4. Click on the red button 'Create New Gallery'

  1. 5. Give the gallery a name to help you identify it when you have lots of galleries and then click Save.  It's also possible to upload an icon for the gallery to help identify it by clicking on the Upload icon button.
  2. 6. Click on upload images to add images (individually or in bulk) to the gallery.  

  1. 7. On the following screen give each image a name (optional, will appear on hover in the app) and set the thumbnail mode and gravity
Thumbnail mode determines how the gallery image will be displayed as a thumbnail in the app
  1. Cover will fill the entirety of the thumbnail at the expense of the image ie: it may crop the sides of rectangular images
  2. Contain will ensure that the entirety of the image is visible in the thumbnail, leaving empty space on one or more sides
  3. Thumbnail gravity determines which area of the image is located within the square thumbnail when the Cover thumbnail mode is used

  1. 8. Click X in the top-right corner to close the gallery edit window
That's it!  The gallery is now ready to be used.


Once a gallery has been created it is given a unique reference that can be seen on the gallery list view as shown below:

Galleries can be used in a number of ways:

Use case A
The gallery reference can be used directly in a Smartlink URL using the &g= parameter where it will be available to all image areas on the product.  Here's an example link:

Using this method it's possible to assign multiple image galleries to a single product, simply separate each gallery reference with a comma in the Smartlink URL.

Note that when using this approach, the galleries will be available to all image areas on the product.

Use case B
Another way a gallery can be used is to link it directly to an individual image area under the Options roll-out for the image area.  Click on the magnifying glass beside gallery and then either pick or search using the gallery reference (if you have a lot of galleries) to make the connection.

Use case C
Lastly, it's possible to set an image from a gallery as a placeholder on an image area, to do so open the Options roll-out for the image area and click on the magnifying glass under the Placeholder heading.  Locate the gallery with the image and then pick the image that you wish to use.

Updated Image Galleries Features

At KornitX we have continued to develop updates for variants and this is due to the fact we pride ourselves on constant evolution and the release of new features and enhancements every week. We have detailed each new variant enhancement below. If you are interested in knowing what features arrive, they will be continually updated within the "Core Platform Feature Updates" Article - CLICK HERE
This will continue to be updated below whenever a new enhancement is rolled out to improve variants, a time stamp will be labelled with each feature
Image Galleries can now be shared on a company level instead of individual users
This was added on 16-05-2022
Image Galleries has been updated within V3 of the platform to be shared on a company level instead of assigned to an individual user. This means that for companies using the platform they can share galleries instead of users to accurately manage all of their image galleries in one place. 

To set this, users simply need to edit the gallery and make sure within the Basic Details that the Company is associated to the correct company ID, which is the primary company associated to the users as shown below. 

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