Fulfillers | Updating Collection Points
The following article has been written to break down and aid with using the Platform to sign in and add or update collection points. For more details on Collection Points please refer to the following article written here - Link First, users need to ...
Fullfilers | Collection Points
Introduction Collection Points is a feature that has been added to Fulfiller companies which can be used by a fulfiller to set multiple different collection Points for orders to be dispatched to. This is particularly useful for those customers with ...
Core Platform Feature Updates
This article lists out the platform changes and integrations added to Kornit X Software. Note : Detailed below is a summary of the main updates to our cloud based software platform from December 2019. We pride ourselves on constant evolution and ...
Dreamstime External Image Integration
Our Custom Gateway Smartlinks have an integration you can activate with the image library Dreamstime To activate this you must have a Dreamstime account 1) In the Companies section of CPP go to your Dropship Companies (or ...
Authenticating Using OAuth
Introduction The platform currently supports OAuth authentication using either the client credential or authorisation code grant types. Please see for more details on the various OAuth grant types. With both grant ...
User Inherit Company Access From Primary Admin Company
The "Inherit From Primary Admin" user option gives users automatic implicit access to any companies that have the user's primary company set as the administrative parent. For example, given the following: Name Type Admin Parent Reference ID Big Corp ...