When you have a single product within platform that has variable options (such as Size and Colour for garment items) you will most likely want to receive a unique SKU to help determine which options have been added to the cart. i.e a shirt with 3 sizes & 4 colours will have 12 variants.
With Kornit X we have two options for adding variants. You can either make these manually one by one via the product ID or import the variants via the variant import. With Platform you can easily manage the variants by editing and deleting them if required.
The Import has been documented within the following Variant Import & Export Article - Click Here
What Can A Variant Be Set Against?
Variants can be set against many existing elements of product setup within platform, these have been outlined below.
Pre-set Stock Product IDs
Pre-set Production Attributes
Aspect Options
Attribute Options
Product Print Sizes
The above options have been shown in the below screenshot which is accessible to anyone setting up product variants.
Important to note all of the above features can be set via our variants import
You can set up variants via platform where you can manually go into each item with valid attributes/aspects/print sizes and go into the variants tab found within the "General" menu and the "Variants" tab.
Variants can ONLY be added to products with either valid aspect options, attributes or print sizes.Now within the variants section, before you set these up you are met with the "+ Variant" button. Upon pressing this a variant will be created given you the following options which are specified below.
- "Aspect Option 1 & 2" - Here you can select the colour variation of each product. We have a second option to set if their are multiple aspects to take into account such as a shirt with 2 different prints and multiple colours.
- "Attributes 1 & 2" - These can be used to pull in the sizing data which can be set against the product. There are two options that can be set here to taking into account multiple attributes.
- "Print Size" - This is mainly used for paper products like posters and allows for users to select from the dropdown the sizes of paper for example.
- "SKU" - This is where the variant SKU is shown and is what the fulfiller should expect to see within their orders.
How Can I Set Variants Via An Import?
Anyone with a built product include either attributes or aspects can import variants within platform. The variants need to be made by customers as what variants they receive must be specified. For example, you could want the SKU to be "Main Fulfiller-SKU-Aspect SKU-Attribute SKU" and this is what you will receive in Order Manager.
This example attached has taken into account the main product SKU, the colour SKU and finally the size SKU which have formed a Variant SKU example variant SKU. We have added the correct headers to this as specified in the comments - Click Here
Critical: Download this sheet to create your variants as this link is read-onlyWe have an article that discusses the import and export in more detail which is linked here - Click Here
How Can I Ensure My GUID Will Show Variants In Order Manager?
To access the variants in Order Manager you will need to sign into Platform and head into the companies in the top right corner, search your company and click edit. You will then need to go to the "API & Incoming" sub-header within the company. Here you will need to press on "SKUs Alpha" and you will find the variant SKUs and References which allow for the orders to be.
How Can I View Variants In My Orders
Within the advanced setting of a company you must have "Use Aspect Option" enabled to work correctly.Once this setting has been selected you can see your mapped SKU against the order reference in Order Manager
The following list some variant features that are accessible to all users of variants.
Seller Portal now supports the displaying of variant trade pricing - Variant Pricing can now be set within pricing that can than be used to display within the seller portal, this has been shown below as an "Element" type that can be set against any one of the price types. By setting this, the pricing within the "Seller Portal" will take into account the additional variant price and add this to the overall price of the product.
Weights can now be calculated at a variant level by connected stock items - Weights can now be included within the variants, via a connection to a stock product, The way this works is a customer would need to create a Stock Product for each variant that they want to apply a weight to and associate each Stock Product with the respective variant, as per the screenshot below. You then need to set the Weight (g) field on the Stock Product (within the E-commerce & Data section). The Shipping integration should then apply the weight from the Stock Product at the variant level. The weight can be set with the eCommerce import by using the headers "product.id" and "product.weight". The Simple Stock import can be used to generate multiple stock products if required, the following links to the article written about the stock import - Click Here Job Templates support Inclusion Of The Variant ID - Job templates now support an inclusion of the variant ID which is unique to every single variant within the system. This was added so our customers could set job templates specifically to reference different variants which may be associated to alternative print sizes as an example.
Global Fulfilment Networks Update - The GFN allows for variants to be specifically routed and SKU mapped.
Retailer Feed with variants supports additional aspect images were populated - The retailer feed generating variants was amended again to include support for any additional aspect images, this means the feed will populate with a URL to link to every single aspect option linked to the variants. This allows customers using the retailer feed to be able to mass generate all images associated to variants.
Retailer Feed update with an option to include variant data - The retailer feed can now include variants, in order to do so you just have to tick "Include Variants" when running the retailer feed. This will not work if you generate the retailer feed, it is recommended you only run this if the products include variants.