Troubleshooting: Importing Products into Magento

Troubleshooting: Importing Products into Magento

The first step is to establish how the customer is importing products into Magento.

Option 1 - Manual Import via CSV file
  1. Get a copy of a file that has been uploaded and is causing issues, (e.g. product images not visible in Magento)
  2. Verify that the file structure (e.g. columns) and data is accurate
  3. To compare against a correct file, you can export existing products from CPP to CSV to get a copy of a file with the correct structure and data formats.  See also the attached example file.

Option 2 - Products imported into Magento via the Auto Import module
This is a scheduled process that pulls products from selected categories in CPP for the relevant Sales Channel company
  1. Obtain the version of the Auto Import module being used
  2. Check "External image" field setting for one of the affected products in Magento
    1. Magento backend -> Catalog -> Product details...->Custom Gateway Autoimport tab

  1. You should be able to copy the link and open it in a browser to see the image.  If the image does not display as expected there may be a problem with the auto-import or the product set up in CPP,
  2. The 'Overwrite Product Images' setting may need to be set to Yes.
    1. Stores -> Configuration -> Custom gateway -> AutoImport -> Settings:  Overwrite Product Images?

See ticket #74445

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