RIP Integrations : ColorGATE

RIP Integrations : ColorGATE

This RIP Integrations allows Custom Gateway to utilise ColorGATE to RIP your artwork files in advance in the cloud and have the ready for printing in our Floor module.
The ColorGATE RIP Integration was updated in May of 2022 to increase global download levels which as an enhancement allow quicker downloads for customers on a global level.  
A basic workflow of the ColourGATE RIP can be seen here -

The RIP integration is configured on a Production Centre company and points to a cloud based instance of ColorGATE set up by Custom Gateway.

When you create Job Template under a Production Centre with the ColorGATE RIP Integration enabled on it you will be able to configure the RIP settings applied when jobs on that template are processed. These settings are
  1. Queue Name
  2. MIM Media
  3. MIM Ink
  4. MIM Metamode
Please note that you can set the pallet name against the job template to make it easier when sending jobs to the correct pallets.
These items must be configured in advance and set up on the ColorGATE cloud instance through print testing to ensure quality and accuracy.

Jobs being processed through this integration will follow these initial status'
  1. Filling
  2. Pending Generation
  3. Pending RIP
  4. Sent to RIP
  5. Pending Production

API Orders     
Sending API orders into the platform to be produced using the ColorGATE RIP integration allows some additional fields to be set where needed. These are most commonly used when sending in external artwork such as Vector PDF that the platform needs to not further process to maintain spot colours.

These supported fields are
  1. Rotation
  2. JobOffsetX
  3. JobOffsetY
  4. ColorMimMedia
  5. ColorMimInk
  6. ColorMimMetamode
  7. PrinterMediaSizeName
  8. DriverSprayAmount
  9. DriverMediaThickness
  10. DriverPrintHeight
Each would be prefixed with :PS_RIP $AREA_NAME so would be

:PS_RIP Front JobOffsetX
(for the Front print area)
NOTE - print area name is case sensitive

Quick example JSON item object is below for a type 7 item
Please note, the integration has been enhanced to be able to deal with multiple quantities so more than one can now be sent through within the JSON.

{ "sku": "IP4", "external_ref": "TEST-0001-07", "description": "iPhone 4", "quantity": 1, "type": 7, "external_urls": [ { "name": "Front", "fullsize": "", "thumbnail": "" }, { "name": "Back", "fullsize": "", "thumbnail": "" }
 "attributes": [
                    "name": ":PS_RIP Front JobOffsetX",
                    "value": "0",
                    "name": ":PS_RIP Back JobOffsetX",
                    "value": "0",

] }
Note: We will shortly add support also for "JobAlignX" and "JobAlignY" in this same way.

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