Virtual Product Jobs can be imported to the Product Onboarding System via a dedicated CSV Import function. This is a fundamental requirement as the information determines who is responsible for 'Creating' the products, and who is responsible for the 'Approvals' once the products are complete.
IF using OpenOffice or equivalent, save as .CSV and be sure to set be following options when saving:
Enable 'Edit the Filter Settings'
Keep Current Format
Change the character set to UNICODE (UTF-8)
Enable 'Quote all text cells'
If a Creator User was NOT allocated as part of the CSV import, then they must now be allocated manually - this can be done per job via the Job Info Page, or in bulk via the Job List View. This is required to progress the job status from ‘Waiting to Start’ to ‘Allocated’.
Select the jobs you wish to allocate and use the dropdown menu and click ‘Bulk Edit’
Under Allocated User, use the drop-down to select a Creator User
Click Save to confirm allocation.
*Allocated jobs can be Reallocated via the job information page.
The allocated Creator User can start the Job by clicking the ‘Start’ button from within the Job Information Page of each individual listing. Starting the Job changes the status to ‘In Progress’ and is reflected in the Dashboard metrics.
The Virtual Product associated with the Job can be accessed via the ‘Open Product’ button within the job info page. Clicking this will take you directly to the product setup screen to Print Test (or to edit) the Virtual Product as necessary. The Creator User is responsible for reviewing the Virtual Product prior to progressing the status.
It is at this stage where the Creator User can also add Personalisation functionality to the Virtual Product if it is required.
The most relevant Courses and Chapters for creating Personalised Virtual Products are:
Quickstart to Product Creation >> (jump to Chapter 1&2, and Ch4 Lessons 1-3)
Mastering Product Creation - Standard Level >> (jump to Chapters 4 & 5)
Mastering Product Creation - Advanced Level >> (jump to Chapters 4 & 5)
For written articles and short video tutorials on creating Personalised Virtual Products, please see our Knowledge Base >>
Create Your First | Virtual Product >> (jump to Step 3a / 3b)
Once the allocated Creator User is happy with the product, they can click the ‘Submit for Approval’ button on the job information page to request P1 Approval for that particular job.
The job status will then progress to ‘Awaiting Supplier Approval’ and the products will be added to the dedicated 2 stage Product Approvals facility within CPP.
*If a job is submitted for approval by mistake, or the Creator User has subsequently identified an issue that needs to be addressed prior to approvals, the job can be ‘Recalled’ from the Product Approval facility. This will revert the status back to ‘In Progress’. This serves as a fail safe mechanism to cater for all possibilities.
*Please note: Any Approval Users must have relevant user access to the pending and live category folders in CPP to perform Approvals.
Product Approvals contains all products that have been submitted by the allocated Creator Users.
PRINT TEST - Can be used to interact with the product via a generic Smartlink to generate standard, print resolution artwork files that are reflective of what will be sent to the Supplier to fulfil when an order is placed.
PREVIEW TEST - If your Virtual Products have been configured to load in a specific Smartlink Application (via App Defaults), the Preview Test will load and display the product in that app. This allows the user journey to be reviewed if necessary (eg if Personalisation is required).
Once the relevant tests have been conducted, the Approver can use the buttons to ‘Approve’ the product, or provide comments and ‘Reject’ it.
When the product passes P1 Supplier Approval, then the status of the job is updated to ‘Awaiting P2 Retailer Approval’.
When the product passes P2 Retailer Approval, then the status of the job is updated to ‘Ready for Publishing’. The product is then automatically moved to the associated ‘Live’ category folder in CPP so that Smartlinks etc can be created.
IF the product is Rejected during either the P1 or P2 Approval, feedback should be offered detailing the reason for the rejection and what changes are needed in order for it to be approved successfully.
Rejection automatically reverts the status back to ‘Allocated’ with a warning icon to highlight to the Creator User that the job has been rejected. All rejection feedback is recorded against each job via the ‘History’ menu in the Job information page. This serves as information for the Creator User to update the product accordingly. The Creator User then has to Start the job again, implement the changes and resubmit for Approval.