The Product Onboarding System (POBS) is a dedicated system for managing the creation and approval of new Blank Products within the Custom Product Platform (CPP).
Blank Product ‘Jobs’ can be imported via CSV - this process automatically creates Blank Products entries in CPP that must then be configured to specification. Each job has to progress through several Statuses and pass the mandatory 2-step Product Approvals process before the associated product can be put live.
The diagram below shows a simple POBS Workflow Overview:
Each Blank job is assigned a unique Job ID for tracking purposes. All associated product information and status changes are stored against each job along with a full audit history and reporting tools.
POBS can be accessed via ‘Product Onboarding’ menu in CPP: Click here to go to POBS >>
*Please Note: Only users with a CPP Enterprise Licence and relevant user privileges can access the Product Onboarding System. For more information on available CPP licence options, please see our website:
There are 7 Primary Job Statuses within POBS:
Waiting to Start*
| New jobs have been imported to POBS - no user has been allocated
*This status is skipped if a Creator User is allocated within the CSV Import
| The job has been allocated to a Creator User
In Progress
| The job is currently being worked on by the Creator User
Awaiting Supplier Approval (P1)
| The job ready for the P1 Approver to review
Awaiting Retailer Approval (P2)
| The job ready for the P2 Approver to review
Ready for Publishing
| The job has passed the 2 stage approval process.
The product is moved to the ‘Live’ category folder in CPP ready to be published.
Published / Live (30 days)
| The product has been put live.
After 30 days the job considered complete and is automatically removed from the active POBS Dashboard (Archived)
POBS displays an interactive dashboard of active jobs currently in the system, offering an ‘at a glance’ status summary.
When a new job is imported, the dashboard is populated based on each specified Blank Product Supplier having a dedicated row. If additional jobs are imported for an existing Supplier in the dashboard, the new jobs are automatically added to the metrics within the same row.
Each metric within the dashboard is clickable and will take you to a filtered Job List View based on the associated status.
The Job List View offers a detailed list of all jobs by default. Each row represents an individual job and its associated information.
Search tools are available to filter / find specific jobs based on:
- Job ID - Find an individual Job
- External ID - Can be used to find 'groups' of jobs
- Status - Find all jobs at each status
- Supplier - Find all jobs where the Blanks relate to a specific Supplier
Advanced search criteria are also available to allow searches based on:
- Creator User - Show all Jobs allocated to a specific Creator User
- Creator (Company) - If multiple companies are in use, you can isolate which jobs apply to each specified Company.
- Created From / To - Filter Jobs based on Import Date
Once filtered, job information can be exported (via the ‘Export Jobs’ button) which produces a CSV of all associated jobs and information which can be used for reporting / job management purposes.
The Job List View also provides access to the Job Info Page for each individual Job. This is located via the ‘Edit’ button under Actions:
The Job Info Page contains all specific job information as imported, along with some additional menus and options to aid the allocated Creator User. It also contains all Contextual Action Buttons for the Creator User to progress the Job Status (or pull it back if deemed necessary).
| Static
| Provides a summary of Job Information as specified via the ‘Required’ columns within the CSV Import
| Static
| Manually Upload Assets against the job for reference purposes - this is not tied to the CSV
| Static
| Job status History, including timestamps and feedback comments from any Rejections
| Static
| Additional information as specified in the ‘Optional’ CSV Columns
Open Product
| Static
| Access the Blank Product to configure as required.
Copy Existing Product*
| Static
| *Allows setup information from LIVE products to be copied over to this job. This is intended to help speed up creation times when adding functionality.
| Contextual - Appears IF
Status is Waiting to Start
| Allows a Creator User to be allocated manually - progresses the Job Status to Allocated.
| Contextual - Appears IF
Status is Allocated
| Allows the job to be reallocated to a different Creator User - status remains the same.
| Contextual - Appears IF
Status is Allocated
| Creator User clicks to confirm that the Job has been started - progresses the Job Status to In Progress.
Submit for Approval
| Contextual - Appears IF
Status is In Progress
| Creator User clicks to confirm that they are happy with the Blank Product - progresses the Job Status to Awaiting P1 Approval
RECALL (coming soon)
| Contextual - Appears IF
Status is P1 or P2 Approval**
| Only to be used IF a job has been submitted for approval by mistake or an issue has been identified.
Creator User clicks to recall the job from Product Approvals, and revert the status to ‘In Progress’