Support Portal - Overview

Support Portal - Overview

Support is changing!
Shortly, we will publish a Support Initiation Document in which we will provide full details of the improvements to how our support services operate and prioritise cases, our enhanced out of hours emergency service and the newly implemented automated escalation process.

Custom Gateway’s new support service aims to improve both efficiency and the overall support experience for our clients. This will be achieved via our new support service level objectives, with guaranteed update times, greater transparency and automated escalation to ensure delivery of effective support.

To coincide with this, all clients are now being encouraged to utilise the Support Portal to engage Platform Support Services, as opposed to emailing directly.
Access the Support Portal Here:

What is the Support Portal?

The Support Portal is a purpose built client 'support hub', offering instant links to self service user guides and video tutorials via Knowledge Base, and access to the free eLearning platform Gateway AcademyIt also offers two routes for engaging with Custom Gateway’s Platform Support Team;

  1. Submit a Ticket - raise an official ticket with the Platform Support Team
  2. Live Chat - a chat based system for general queries only

Clients can view all current / open tickets via My Area to keep up to date on any active cases, and use System Status to see the current Platform status, which highlights any system downtime and incident reports.

Why should I use the Support Portal?

Historically, tickets have mostly been raised via email. Whilst considered convenient, the downside to this is that it does not prompt clients to provide relevant information based on the nature of the issue or the severity of it. This can lead to unnecessary back and forth communication to obtain basic or key information before the issue can be investigated. This slows the support process down.

The Support Portal is integral to our new support service objectives, as it allows clients to effectively communicate the Severity of the issue based on impact to their business, and also allows new tickets to be raised with the relevant information based on the nature of the issue. This helps the Platform Support Team to prioritise, diagnose and resolve cases more efficiently. In short, it helps us to help you.

Let's take a look at the main benefits of using portal:

  1. Self Support and Learning Material - Instant access to self service information via Knowledge Base and learning material via Gateway Academy.
  2. System Status - Clients can subscribe to this to get update notifications for real-time incident reporting based on platform status.
  3. Provide Better Information - Submit Tickets with an appropriate severity, and contextual information relating to the nature of the issue; this helps the Platform Support team to deliver faster, more effective support as the tickets can be allocated to the appropriate agents and escalated to system specialists if necessary.
  4. Ticket Visibility - Maintain visibility and access to all of your own / your companies raised support tickets. This removes the need for raising duplicate tickets / remembering ticket numbers when updating / responding.
  5. One Location - Everything is contained in one place for easy access!

How do I Submit a Ticket via the Support Portal?

When in the Support Portal, click ‘Submit a Ticket’. 

This will take you to the new ticket page, where several fields can be populated based on the issue being raised.

There are several standard input fields:
Contact Name: Clients name
Email: email address for notifications / updates to be sent to.
Subject: Title of the ticket
Description: Information / details regarding the issue / how to recreate it.
Severity: Scaled 1-4 to measure the impact that the issue is having on business operations. (For guidance on what Severity level to set, see section below)
Linked Ticket ID: If a recurring issue tied to an existing or previous support ticket, please specify the old ticket number.
Attachments: Attach files / images / videos to help in the diagnosis of your issue

In addition, there are new drop-down options under What area do you need support with? that will trigger contextual fields to appear based on the nature of the issue. These are split below based on the available options:

  • IF: Website Support
    • What is the Website URL?: Website link
    • Smartlink: Product smartlink URL being used on your website
    • Platform / Shop Type: Please specify whether Shopify, Magento, Woocomerce etc

  • IF: CPP / Catalog Support
    • CPP / Catalog Product ID: The unique product identifier 
    • CPP / Catalog Error Code: Specify the error code
    • Smartlink: Product smartlink URL being used on your website
    • Platform Username: The username used that encountered the issue
    • Technical Information: Please provide additional information on what device, operating system, browser, and version that you are using.

  • IF: OMS / Sales Support
    • OMS / Sales Order Number / Batch ID: Unique order reference
    • Retailer Company Ref ID: Retail Company that the order is associated with
    • OMS / Sales Error Code: Specify the error code
    • Smartlink: Product smartlink URL being used on your website
    • Platform Username: The username used that encountered the issue
    • Technical Information: Please provide additional information on what device, operating system, browser, and version that you are using.

What Severity level should I use when submitting a ticket?

Severity allows the client to communicate the impact that the issue is having on their business operations. There are 4 Severity options to pick from based on the scale of the issue. It is important that clients select an appropriate Severity, so that issues can be prioritised as necessary across the full client base.

S1 - Critical = System Down
The overall platform is inoperable resulting in total or major loss of functionality to your operations, or the Platform is completely unusable with no workaround (>70% system down). 
  • Eg. The Platform or module is down and cannot be accessed, compromising all orders and day to day operations.

S2 - High = Partial Outage / Significant Defect
The overall platform is operating but cannot perform one or more business-critical functions required for normal business operations, with no workaround. 
  • E.g. Integration is no longer functioning as expected or artwork / batches are not generating and is affecting a high volume of incoming orders and is compromising operations.

S3 - Medium = Component Down
The overall platform is operating but some non-business critical functionality does not appear to be working or incident is limited to less than 5% of orders/transactions 
  • E.g. Integration is no longer functioning as expected or artwork / batches are not generating and is affecting some incoming orders, but impact is being managed.

S4 - Low = Minor Impact
Custom Gateway Platform functionality is intact, but assistance is required in the configuration, installation or use of the Custom Gateway Platform - OR - General query or service request
Platform functionality is operating as normal, but assistance is required in the configuration, installation, customer data update, or use of the platform - OR - A very minor area of functionality is not working as expected. 
  • E.g. Assistance required in applying some configuring to an existing implementation or updating product data (e.g. SKU reference)

The manual place functionality found within catalog is also accessible within the Sellers Portal.

Seller Portal supports the export of orders into a CSV Format.

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