Kornit X Security Notification Policy

Kornit X Security Notification Policy

Security Incident Notification Procedures
This document forms the security incident notification procedures for all staff and contractors working for and on behalf of Kornit X.

Suspected Data Breaches

If you suspect that there has been a data breach in any way you should make your line manager aware as soon as possible. This could include but is not limited to.
  • Your work computer or other device has been lost / compromised (with a virus for example)

  • You believe the Office has been accessed by unauthorised persons

  • You have broken one of the information security policy points

  • You have been sent and or opened suspicious emails or files

  • You believe PII (Personally identifiable information) from anywhere inside the platform may have been accessed.

Kornit X Escalation Path

Any suspected breach should be reported by the individual who identified it to their direct line manager.

Their line manager should verify and escalate immediately to the Chief Technical Officer who will then
proceed with investigation, remediation and communication procedures.

Incident Reporting 

Kornit X will provide incident reports to all affected parties in the event of a security breach within 48 hours of identification.

Incident reports will contain a full summary and detail of the impact and its resolution.

Incident reports will be shared with the primary contact we have on record for affected clients.

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