Getting Personal send the order header and lines separately, so an order for three lines will be sent as four separate requests, potentially not in any particular sequence.

This means that an order may exist in the system in a partial state. The status of the partial order will be "On System Hold" until all information has been received.

Primary and Secondary Companies

Getting Personal have been instructed to use the 18624 company reference ID when creating orders using the new API. This company will be used as the primary company (retailer) on all of their orders.

In addition, Getting Personal will specify which secondary company (supplier) to use for the order using their own supplier reference code.

This means that for each supplier used by Getting Personal, a corresponding dropship company must exist in Order Manager within the Sales module with Getting Personal's supplier reference set as the dropship company’s external reference.

For example, 18625 is Getting Personal - Promotional Ceramics and has Getting Personal's supplier reference (1) set as the external reference.

The dropship company must have 18624 set as the retailer.

If the company hierarchy is not correct then the secondary company will not be automatically determined and the order will exist in an error state until it is manually fixed.

Getting Personal are responsible for splitting orders by supplier before sending the order details via the API.

SKU Mapping

No SKU mapping is required. Getting Personal must send either the Product Manager set supplier SKU or retailer SKU verbatim.

Supplier Mapping

No manual supplier map is required.

The supplier map is determined automatically based on the company hierarchy (the available suppliers are derived from the dropship companies that have 18624 set as the retailer).

Technical Details

There are two endpoints:

The API is locked down to Getting Personal's own IP addresses and is only available via HTTPS.

Example Usage

$ cat GP/CustomGateway-orderheader.json 
	"orderId": 1,
	"orderlineIds": [ 1, 2 ],
	"brand": "gettingpersonal",
	"supplier": {
		"name": "Promotional Ceramics",
		"id": 1

	"shippingAddress": {
		"recipientName": "Test Person",
		"line1": "Getting Personal",
		"line2": "Test Estate, Test Road",
		"city": "Manchester",
		"county": "Greater Manchester",
		"postcode": "12A B34",
		"country": "United Kingdom",
		"countryIsoCode": "GB"

	"customer": {
		"name": "Andrew Scott",
		"telephone": "0161 947 5915",
		"emailaddress": ""

	"slaStartDate": "2017/07/17 22:26:45"

$ curl -d @GP/CustomGateway-orderheader.json -H 'content-type: application/json' "" -k -H 'authorization: basic 18624:APIKEY'
{"order":{"id":2800491,"ref":"j9pb38kryt", ... "status_name":"System Hold"}}

$ cat GP/CustomGateway-orderline-text.json 
	"orderId": 1,
	"orderlineId": 2,
	"orderlineIds": [ 1, 2 ],
	"orderlineType": "text",
	"expectedDespatch": "2017/07/19",

	"personalisation": [ {
		"key": "labeltext",
		"value": "Afternoon"
	}, {
		"key": "giftbox",
		"value": true
	} ],

	"supplierSku": "comicctea",
	"quantity": 1,
	"product": {
		"name": "Personalised Tea Tin - Time For Tea (Green)",
		"id": 28991,
		"imageUrl": ""

	"pdf": null 

$ curl -d @GP/CustomGateway-orderline-text.json -H 'content-type: application/json' "" -k -H 'authorization: basic 18624:APIKEY'
{"order":{"id":2800491, ... }}

$ cat GP/CustomGateway-orderline-pdf.json
	"orderId": 1,
	"orderlineId": 1,
	"orderlineIds": [ 1, 2 ],
	"orderlineType": "pdf",
	"expectedDespatch": "2017/07/19",

	"personalisation": [ {
	  "key": "labeltext",
	  "value": "Afternoon"
	}, {
	  "key": "giftbox",
	  "value": true
	} ],

	"supplierSku": "comicctea",
	"quantity": 1,
	"product": {
		"name": "Personalised Tea Tin - Time For Tea (Green)",
		"id": 28991,
		"imageUrl": ""

	"pdf": {
		"barcodeId": "1",
		"file": "<<base64 encoded pdf>>",

$ curl -d @GP/CustomGateway-orderline-pdf.json -H 'content-type: application/json' "" -k -H 'authorization: basic 18624:APIKEY'
{"order":{"id":2800491, ... }}