Kornit X Product Manager - Excel Import and Export
The Excel import and export to and from Product Manager is a powerful tool which allows for bulk Blank product updates, and also serves a potential option for creating simple Blank products.
Note: Attempting to amend Virtual Products is not advised and may lead to undesirable results due to the connection they have with Blank products.
The Excel import only supports .xlsx spreadsheet files.
CRITICAL: When updating products, it is recommended that you first export the products. Manually constructing an import for products that already exist in the system is error prone and may result in products being updated incorrectly. We also recommend saving a version before updating the import to ensure you can update the products back to how they were in case of error.
Each spreadsheet will have the following tabs:
| Description
| Product information (mandatory)
| Product attributes
| Product aspects and aspect options
| Product print areas
| Product text areas
| Product image areas
The "products" Tab
Column Name
| Description
| The ID of the product to be updated (use unique non numeric string to create a new product)
| Product name
| Currently only "2D" is supported
| Supplier SKU
| Retailer SKU
| Supplier company reference ID
| Product type
| ID of the category to create the product in (new products only)
The "attributes" Tab
When updating a product, any attributes for that product that aren't specified in the attributes tab will be deleted from Product Manager.
Column Name
| Description
| Product ID (corresponds to product.id on the products tab)
| Name of the attribute to update (if a matching attribute doesn't exist then a new attribute will be created)
| Attribute value
The "aspect_options" Tab
When updating a product, any aspects and aspect options for that product that aren't specified in the aspect_options tab will be deleted from Product Manager.
Column Name
| Description
| Product ID (corresponds to product.id on the products tab)
| Name of the aspect to update (if a matching aspect doesn't exist then a new aspect will be created)
| Width of all images for relevant aspect options
| Height of all images for relevant aspect options
| Name of the aspect option to update (if a matching aspect option doesn't exist then a new aspect option will be created)
| URL of the aspect option's main image
| URL of the aspect option's mask image
The "print_areas" Tab
When updating a product, any print areas for that product that aren't specified in the print_areas tab will be deleted from Product Manager. Column Name
| Description
| Product ID (corresponds to product.id on the products tab)
| Name of the aspect that the print area belongs to
| Name of the print area to update (if a matching print area doesn't exist then a new print area will be created)
| X co-ordinate (relative to top left of aspect image)
| Y co-ordinate (relative to top left of aspect image)
| Width of print area (relative to aspect image)
| Height of print area (relative to aspect image)
| Print width (mm)
| Print height (mm)
The "text_areas" Tab
When updating a product, any text areas for that product that aren't specified in the text_areas tab will be deleted from Product Manager.
Column Name
| Description
| Product ID (corresponds to product.id on the products tab) |
| Name of the print area that the text area belongs to |
| Name of the text area to update (if a matching text area doesn't exist then a new text area will be created) |
| X co-ordinate (relative to top left of aspect image) |
| Y co-ordinate (relative to top left of aspect image) |
| Default font size |
| Default fill colour |
| Default stroke colour |
| Default stroke width |
| Default font |
| Can the text be rotated? |
| Can the text be moved? |
| Can the text be changed by the user? |
The "image_areas" Tab
When updating a product, any image areas for that product that aren't specified in the image_areas tab will be deleted from Product Manager.
Column Name | Description |
product.id | Product ID (corresponds to product.id on the products tab) |
print_area.name | Name of the print area that the image area belongs to |
image_area.name | Name of the image area to update (if a matching image area doesn't exist then a new image area will be created) |
image_area.x | X co-ordinate (relative to top left of aspect image) |
image_area.y | Y co-ordinate (relative to top left of aspect image) |
image_area.width | Width (relative to aspect image) |
image_area.height | Height (relative to aspect image) |
The "ecommerce" Fields
When updating a product, any eCommerce data for that product that isn't specified in the ecommerce tab will be deleted from Product Manager.
For eCommerce we can import product descriptions, lead time, manufacturers code, weight, tax code, tax rate, notes and shipping carrier to highlight the main options.
Using The Import As A Product Creation Solution
The Excel import can be used as a viable solution for the creation of Simple Blank Products. Attached is an example of a simple 2D T-Shirt product which can be downloaded and imported straight into the system to create a simple product featuring different aspects, attributes, print areas, image and text areas. Users just need to add their fulfiller company ID to the "product.supplier_company_ref_id" field on the products tab.
Non-numerical IDs need to be used for the creation of products. As an example "abcdefgh" can be used for every relating tab of the sheet users must match otherwise the import will fail.
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