Sales Channel Integration | Deco Network

Sales Channel Integration | Deco Network


This article has been created to show how to setup the sales channel retailer integration Kornit X has built to connect to the Deco Network. 


The integration has been built to connect to the Deco Network based on the following fields.
  1. Date Ordered
  2. Date Production Files Ready
  3. Invoicing Number
  4. Order Status
  5. Date Due
  6. Date Invoiced
  7. Date Shipped
  8. Date Modified
To setup the Deco Network integration, please head to your retailer company and within the advanced settings head to "Sales Channel Integrations" and click to enable the Deco Network option. This had been shown below. 

When setting this up  you will need to set your "API Base URL", "API Username" and "API Password" which will be provided to you from The Deco Network before you setup the integration with us. 

There is also a fields to set Start Timestamp which can be overwritten manually and the "Thumbnail URL".  
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