The Catalog section of the Kornit X platform houses thousands of Fulfillers approved products that have been configured to meet their exact print specification. This opens doors of opportunity, as it means that these products can be added to your website for online customisation, with orders automatically passing through to the fulfiller to fulfil.
In obtaining access to the Fulfillers Blank (Base) products within Product Manager, you have the ability create Virtual Products from them. This enables you to take the Fulfiller Blank/s, add you own artwork designs and configure your own functionality to create ranges of Print on Demand (POD) products very quickly.
Firstly, you must liaise with the Fulfillers directly to set up an account. Information and contact details on our Fulfiller Network are available from our website, please see: Link
Once trade arrangements are in place, liaise with your Onboarder if this is part of a current project, if not, visit our support portal at https://support.custom-gateway.com/portal/en/home and raise a support ticket for each new integration. This will ensure you're supplied with individual dropship GUID's and supported in sending test orders to each fulfiller. Kornit X Staff will also grant user access to the Fulfillers products within Product Manager as part of this process.
On Product Manager, you will get READ access (R) to the Fulfillers category folders, which contain the original approved Blank products on the platform. READ access prohibits any changes being made to these products - only the Supplier is able to access the core configuration. The system is designed this way to protect the integrity of the Fulfillers product and ensure its 'fulfilment ready' status, as per their specification requirements. This is important for you too, as it helps to ensure that orders can be fulfilled without issue.
The simplest way to create Virtual Products is to utilise the Virtual product routines on CPP. There are several options available that are purpose built for specific types of products
For more information on Virtual Products and the routines available, please see: