The following article has been created to help users with disabling their products. In soe cases products may need to be disabled for a list of different reasons - perhaps for licenced content the designs are out of date and need removal or this is a product you no longer have stock of. Disabling products is an easy way to manage such issues and this article will advise how to do so.
How Do I Disable Products?
To disable products you simple need to head to Product Manager within the Catalog module first.
Once loaded, find your products either by searching the ID, name or SKU or heading to the category the products are contained within. Simply select the products one by one and with the selected products click the Selected options and choose to Disable them.
Once the option has been selected a warning message will appear asking you to confirm with "Really Disable Products? which can either be rejected or confirmed.
With the product disabled the item will become greyed out within the category and the following sign will appear alongside.
If a product needs to be enabled again you simply need to go into each individual item and select the "Enable" button found in the product settings menu.
What If I Receive Orders For My Disabled Products?
In the rare cases that an order is received just as an item is disabled the platform will ensure any orders within Order Manager are set with the status of "Assistance Required" for manual intervention. An audit train entry will be added to detail the product that is disabled, you can then assign a new catalog product and release the order. For new companies this is triggered by default but for any legacy companies users will need tp head to the advanced settings of the dropship company and head to the "Incoming Orders" section.
The advanced option to search within "Incoming Orders" is called "Set order status to "Assistance Required" when disabled products used" and you simply need to enable this slider option as shown below.
"Assistance Required" orders show in the errors list on the Order Manager Dashboard to allow easy visibility of the orders.